New Stories: Malus Malum (DE) & Bone Machine (EN)


Hey y'all! Two new stories today (or one and a half, more like): First, I've finished a completely new, German-language story called Malus Malum . Second, I've managed to patch together an English translation for my previously German-only story "Knochenmaschine" during downtime at work. So good news all around, no matter what language you speak!

Also, if you're interested in what kind of books I read and music I listen to, I've linked my ListenBrainz account and my StoryGraph account on the Bio page now.

Feed Me Now


Hi there! I've set up two RSS feeds for the site now: One of them is for the site updates you see here on the main page. Starting with this post, all updates will be posted simultaneously to the feed. The other is for all the articles I've posted here, so it basically serves as an index of sorts for all my published long-form content. I'm still trying to figure out where the best spot for the links is on the site, but you can already get to them from this post.

Also, I've finally got around to linking my public Mastodon profile on the bio page. So if you want to let me know what you think about my stories or whatever else, you'll know where to find me.

You Can Pay To Read My Words Now!


Good news, everyone! If you like the words you've been reading on here and you live in Germany, you can now order the first printed edition of my stories! The collection is called "Das Ewige Licht, Das Uns Alle Verschlingt" --- yes, it is of course in German only --- and it contains two stories you've seen on here, "Polaris" and "Bone Machine" , as well as a short addendum, "10:15, Saturday Night" . You can order it directly through this link , or else under the ISBN 978-3-7115-4671-5.

New Story: Leave Our Blood / A Pet


Something for everyone today! Since this story is a little older, I do already have a translation ready for it, so you can find it in English and German

New Story: Polaris (DE)


Back again already, and I brought you yet another new story . I'm writing a new one currently, so I probably won't have anything for a bit, but I hope you enjoy this one!

New Story: Bone Machine (DE)


Hello again! I didn't expect to be back here so soon, but I've already added a new story to the site. Luckily, it's pretty much as smooth as I'd hoped, so check it out if your German's up to it.

Flexing my multi-lingual muscles


Hello to anyone who's listening. I just wanted to update you on a slight change to the site's organization that might be a little confusing otherwise.

You might have noticed that I've not uploaded a lot of my stories on here yet. That's because a lot of them (especially the more recent ones) are written in my native German, and I've been busy translating them. To alleviate this, I've added a toggle to those stories that allows you to read either the English or German version of that story. This means that, for the foreseeable future, there'll be some disconnect here --- some stories will be available in English, some in German, some in both languages. But this also means that I can get these stories out quicker for those who do speak German.

Again, this should help me publish my new stories more quickly, so expect some more selected works here in the coming weeks.

(Oh - also, the site header has some nice new icons for navigation. So that's pretty neat, I'd say.)

Hi There!


Hello! If you found this page, I assume you're just browsing the Neocities directory. That's because this page has just gone live! If you want to know more about me, check out the Bio page. Otherwise, there'll be more interesting stuff here in the future, so check back soon!