Dawn Vespero's Blog

Home of New Dawn's Faith

Hi there! I'm Dawn, and this my little hobo camp under the bridge of the information super-highway! I post music reviews, short stories, and random articles on here whenever the voices tell me to. Below, you'll find updates on things going on with the site and myself. Have fun!

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Test Article

This is an article for testing. You could put any kind of text in this, it really is just here to test if there's any output at all. More importantly, though, it is here to make sure the output is correctly displayed. Having your entire website be accidentally mauve is a little gauche, methinks. Quite embarassing, quite.

Another Test Article

This one is another article. This is here to make sure multiple articles are displayed correctly, have their own backgrounds, scroll nicely, and so on. Especially nowadays, a single article does not a website make. You need constant output, a regulated content schedule. Let the content gates flow!

An image for testing

I can even put images on here! FAAAANCAAY!!!

Testing different ways to format articles

Formatting and arranging elements in HTML can be hard, you know? Trial and error is really the best way to find out what kind of format works best for your needs

It's important to try out different types of content, as well, like articles with multiple paragraphs.

Some different ways of rendering windows

Subtitle II: Revenge of the Domtitle

This article is mostly here to be able to compare different ways of rendering the window wrappers.

That's why this one has a lot of short paragraphs.

Really, I just wanted to see how the code could handle it.


This article is actually split across multiple windows!

I think that's pretty cool!

But you still need a header of some kind for the window to render correctly.

Wow, that's, like, totally me

Sometimes, you need to quote a really impressive historic saying:

"That's all, folks!"
> Adolf Hitler, 1945

Trsut me, bro. It's all true. I saw it on the internet.